A Look Back At The Blair Witch Project

blair-witch116 years ago, back in 1999, the world was introduced to a new style of cinema, that little did we know, would influence and change the way horror movies would be made for decades to come. That film was The Blair Witch Project. The found footage film was not really known at this time. Yes, I hear people say Cannibal Holocaust, but that film isn’t a straight a head found footage film, so I don’t really think that counts. The other film people like to mention is The Last Broadcast. What, have you not heard of it? That’s the point I’m making. This film was so well received, that it continues to terrify new viewers, even to this very day. What made this film so unique, is that it is the only film where the entire film is placed in the hands of your actors. Unlike the found footage films made today, the actors were really running the equipment. This is something that would not happen today.

blair_witch_sticksWhat truly made this film unique, is that it didn’t have a script. Sure, there was the story idea, but the actors were making everything up as they go along. When Mike kicks the map into the creek, this was as much of a surprise to the producers, as it was to the actors on camera. All emotion we see from any of the actors in this movie, is 100% real. Let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way right now. Yes, this movie got the reputation, and the nickname The Blair Bitch Project…and I have to admit, I agreed with that sentiment when I first heard it, and really can’t argue with it today. There is an abundance of whining and bitching that take place in the film. The sad thing is, is that was how to were really behaving. Can you imagine how much more bitching was left on the cutting room floor. The mere thought sends a chill down my spine, strong enough to pucker my butt-hole.

b5The three actors we are introduced to in this film are Heather Donahue, Michael Williams, and Joshua Leonard. Truth be told, none of these actors went on to be huge Hollywood stars. Heather and Michael did a few other things here and there, but I challenge you to name a single one, without the aid of IMDB. Joshua Leonard is the one who probably has the most horror credibility amongst genre fans. He has appeared in many horror fans including a cameo appearance in Adam Green’s Hatchet, as well as the lead role in a psychological horror film called Madhouse. I wouldn’t consider myself a huge fan of his, but I give him the respect that is deserved by being able to take steps forward from this film. The other two I am really indifferent about. So instead of bashing on them for their acting abilities, I think I’m just going to move on.

the-blair-witch-project-1The true praise of this film goes to the people behind the people with the camera. Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez are the mad scientists that cooked up this idea, and unleashed it upon the world. They have forever changed the world of horror, for better or worse. I can only imagine the meetings that took place during the pre-production stage of this film. Seeing how they tormented these poor actors, I can guarantee it was probably a pretty fun time. They shot and edited this completely on their own. The most notorious story was they purchased the camcorder from Staples for the purposes of shooting the movie, and when they wrapped, they returned it for their money back. Fuckin’ genious. There is a lot of talk about how much money truly went into the making of this movie. The number $20,000 was thrown around a lot, but the number was actually closer to $60,000 before the distributors got involved. When Artisan bought the film, the bought it for $1.1 million. They then but some money into addition post-production, and ended up spending somewhere in the neighborhood of $25 million in marketing on this film.

image-1-guilty-pleasures-the-best-of-found-footage-6796cfb0-a5eb-45f2-9994-8a64001b4d4c-300x226The marketing is the true genius of this film. There were actually people out there, my sister included, that believe this shit was real. Well why not, there was a website, and the TV said it was real…hell Sci-Fi even had a documentary on the film. Let us forget the fact that it was directed by someone who worked on the actual film. But the marketing campaign did that it was supposed to do. It intrigued viewers and put their assess into the theater seats. This small movie gross worldwide nearly $250 million. That isn’t to damn shabby for a group traipsing around the woods scaring three actors all day. Especially when one wrong move from on of the actors with the camera gear would have put an end to the whole thing.

the-blair-witch-project-ruined-cinema-3-copyIt’s hard to put into words what this film has actually done over the years. I mean look at the fact that we are still talking about it today. Whether or not you like the “found footage” genre, this film started it, and it has never been done better. The movie spawned a so-so sequel a few years later, Book of Shadows. This was more of an actual movie, but didn’t do as well. Fans have also wanted to be taken back into the woods of Burkitsville the way they remembered. And we have been teased for years with the rumors of a third film. The rumor is still out there with talks of The Blair Witch 3 being released in 2017. I honestly don’t see that happening, but we can hope can’t we. I will say this now, if they are legitimately going to get the old crew back together to make another Blair Witch, I think it will be a couple more years down the road. It would make more sense for them to release a sequel in 2019 for the 20th anniversary of the film. I’m just saying.

So there you have it boils and ghouls, we just took a look back at a film that many critics hated, and millions of fans adored. What did you think of this movie the first time you saw it? Comment below, or shoot us an email at themoviepit@gmail.com.

Till Next Time Kiddies…